Doncey Albin
Autonomous Robotics and Perception Group. Boulder, Colorado.

Hey, I am Doncey and thanks for visting my website. Here you will find various robotics/software projects I have worked on, my CV, and classes I have assisted with teaching at the University of Colorado - Boulder. My hope is that this website will offer an enhanced display of my professional interests and capability than what a traditional CV could offer - maybe even some of my personality, too.
I am a third-year PhD student in the Autonomous Robotics and Perception Group (ARPG) at the University of Colorado - Boulder. My work here has mostly been in perception and navigation. This includes using deep learning neural networks to semantically segment, complete, and bound objects in lidar point clouds and RGB-D images for improved envronmental understanding, using tools like GTSAM (LIO-SAM, FAST-LIO) for SLAM, and integrating these tools within the ROS/ROS2 frameworks for deployment. All of my work has been deployed on a real robot to work in near real-time conditions. I have done a few grad course projects that are related to robotics as well, which can be found in the ‘course projects’ section on the projects page.
Outside of my work as a PhD student, I also have worked on many projects at home out of pure interest. This includes designing and 3D printing a 5-axis robotic arm, some experimentation with OpenCV’s C++ API, and other random things. These all can be found in the ‘home projects’ section on the projects page.
Other than my passion in robotics, I have major interests in art, skateboarding, and community. I will likely add a tab for these interests in due time.
In 2017 I was selected to be the keynote speaker at the Denver Kids’ Annual Breakfast Gala. Denver Kids has a mission to ensure every student in Denver graduates and the counselors that work there truly make it happen. This opportunity to be a keynote speaker was a huge privledge and undertaking. Denver Kids made an incredible impact in my and my siblings’ lives, so giving back to them in such a high-level manner was an honor. However, public speaking was new to me and doing it front of such a large crowd was intimidating. It took months for me to prepare for this speech, which I am happy I did, because in the end it all worked out. If you want to watch the speech, it can be viewed below.
If you are interested in all of the amazing work Denver Kids does, please check them out here.